Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Complete Tao Attraction System Review - Did Joshua Pellicer Scam You?

The Complete TAO Attraction System by Joshua Pellicer
Don't Believe the Hype about The Complete Tao Attraction System By Joshua Pellicer! Read My Honest Review before Buying.

The Complete Guide Tao Attraction System is a one of its kind, developed for men, especially the ones who struggle with attracting the opposite sex. It encourages men to step up their game 'and become an all powerful alpha male, who is not only adept at attracting women but also in seducing them.

The guide further elaborates the tricks' and Techniques' that go into attracting, seducing and getting the hot 'girls to eat out of your hand. Needless to say, this guide has created a lot of interest in men all around the world and many have come out claiming to achieve the Prowess needed to attract with hot girls.

It is designed for men who find approaching a woman a tough task and have had a series of failed dates. It teaches and guides men on every aspect of dating, from saying the right things and creating the right atmosphere with words and gestures, until finally the date ends successfully in bed of course. So again, this book serves as the holy Bible for men who wish women to crave for them.

Get a The Complete TAO Attraction System Discount Here

Who is the Creator of this Program

The book is complied by Joshua Pellicer, a known dating guru who is seen regularly on a number of high profile TV shows including The Today Show. He also hosts a number on radio talk shows.The early life of the author was marked by series of rejections and failed dates. He calls himself as an insecure, non- attractive shy guy who tried very hard to attract women. After numerous failed attempts, he started reading books on women psychology and body language. He did extensive research on relationships between men and women and this combined with his study of psychology gave him a new perspective on how to approach women and attract them. After in depth research on women and relationships, he compiled the book The Complete Tao Attraction System and has received rave reviews from men all around the world.

System Format

The system is designed as an in depth guide and trains men to focus on altering the way they think. It encourages men to dethrone a woman and this way change her perception of value so that she desires a man more than he desires her. The book is broken down into many numbers of sections, each dealing with a specific aspect of dating and attracting women. Some topics that are covered in the book are:

  • · The mindset that is required to approach a girl and also become the man who is craved and desired by women
  • · How to get women to approach you
  • · The worst attraction and dating mistakes that men make with women
  • · How to display the right body language
  • · Interpreting positive and negative female body language and also understand what they are thinking
  • · How to hold effective and powerful 1 on 1 conversation effortlessly
  • · When to quit and pack your bags

The author has included a number of scenarios in which the application of the techniques proves to be very effective. It even deals with scenarios where a relationship has failed and teaches men to understand and respond to the demands of their dream women. The book has written in such a way that it includes scripts, plots and tips that are captivating and also practical. It encourages men to develop right gestures, positive behavior, an overall imposing personality and also the right attire to grab the attention of attractive women. 


The readers who have read this book claim that it is very different from all other books written on dating. The work is new, original and successfully engages the reader on a very personal level.

The techniques and the information in the book are easy to follow and apply. It is all presented in a very interesting and appealing format, which encourages the reader to apply them.

When you purchase this program, you are also granted unlimited access to personal coaching under many dating gurus and also get more material to develop your game


The book is developed to target women who are outgoing and for the quintessential hot woman. For the ones who are shy and introvert, the system might not work.

Just reading the guide will not make you the desirable alpha man; you will have to practice as much as you can to achieve the desired result.

Final conclusion and Rating

The Complete Tao Attraction System has claimed to work wonders for men all around the world and people who have read it say it has turned their lives around. The information given in it is authentic and original. More than anything, the success of the book in individual cases largely depends on the overall outlook of the person and their attitude when applying its techniques. Overall the book scores a top notch 9 out of 10 by everyone who has read it.

Get Official 70% Discount of The Complete Tao Attraction System Now. Click Here

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