Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Inner Changes Counselling and Psychotherapy Manchester practice celebrates its 11th year in full-time practice

"I think what helps me in my work with others is my own personal experience of anxiety and panic attacks which held me back when I was younger. Having had run-ins myself with these all-too-common limiting conditions gives me a depth of understanding of them, coupled with a strong sense of empathy for the person sitting with me in my consulting room."

When Nigel Magowan first opened the doors of his counselling and psychotherapy Manchester practice to clients 11 years ago, He held brand new professional qualifications in Clinical Hypnotherapy and NLP, and had read countless books on both subjects, but it very quickly became apparent to him that he had only just begun the real learning process. There is no substitute for real life practical experience: the day-to-day interaction with people; no two of whom are the same. There is no magic template or technique you can apply as a ‘one size fits all’. Every person who walks through the consulting room door is unique. Accordingly, the treatment for every client has to be individually tailored and fluid, adjusting from moment to moment within every session. This is one of the main reasons why Nigel threw the standard pre-written hypnotherapy scripts used by many hypnotherapists in the bin during the first few weeks of practicing, and adopted a flexible, tailored and ultimately much more effective approach by paying close attention to the human being sat in front of him.

In 2006, he embarked on a formal UKCP accredited training programme in Contemporary Psychotherapy, obtaining an Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapy, and UKCP registration after completing a number of years' study. This training has significantly increased his breadth of knowledge and range of skills, and his ability to work effectively with difficult and complex cases. He has also gone on to obtain specialist training in other areas and now holds certificates in Stress Management, Treating Insomnia and Sleep Disorders, Working with Addictions, Treating IBS, Human Development, Teaching Clients Mindfulness Skills, Psychopathology and Ethical Practice.

In over eleven years of full-time private practice, Nigel has conducted literally thousands of therapy sessions and helped people with more conditions than there is room to list here, but there are certain psychological issues in which he has gained particularly strong expertise, such as generalised anxiety, panic attacks, depression, insomnia, fear of public speaking, social anxiety, trauma, addictions, OCD, confidence building, relationship issues, and stress.

He believes strongly that it’s very important to keep learning and progressing, and his professional evolution reflects that, with an expansion in 2010 into a practice in London’s Harley Street, and being taken on by Anxiety UK as an Approved Therapist.

Over the years many people have asked Nigel why he became a therapist. There are many reasons, but his greatest motivation has always been to help people realise their potential, both personally and professionally. It’s so common to be prevented from achieving your dreams because of treatable conditions like anxiety, lack of confidence or self-esteem, addictions, depression, phobias, or stress, and once you work through those you can go forward and become the person you want to be.

“I think what helps me in my work with others is my own personal experience of anxiety and panic attacks which held me back when I was younger. Having had run-ins myself with these all-too-common limiting conditions gives me a depth of understanding of them, coupled with a strong sense of empathy for the person sitting with me in my consulting room.” Says Nigel.

More than a decade running his Manchester Psychotherapy, Counselling, NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapy clinic has also given him the time to add many other strings to his therapeutic bow in terms of additional fields of therapy, so that now he can honestly say he offer a fully integrative approach, which now draws on many therapeutic approaches including Contemporary Psychotherapy, Gestalt Therapy, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Transactional Analysis, Systemic NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Ericksonian Hypno-Psychotherapy, Self-Relations Psychotherapy, Mindfulness, Counselling skills, and Family Systems Therapy. Combined they help Nigel offer a holistic and individually-tailored approach to each person he works with.

It would appear that Nigel has managed to strike the right balance, as he receives a significant number of new clients who have come to him via recommendations from past or current existing clients. There is no doubt that his training and experience has added significant depth, knowledge, understanding, flexibility and adaptability to his approach, and as he enters his twelfth year of practice, he intends building upon that even more.

He is genuinely excited about what the coming year holds for the Inner Changes Psychotherapy and Counselling Manchester practice. In addition to his more conventional psychotherapy and counselling practice, based in a traditional consulting room, he will be expanding upon his work in Ecotherapy. This relatively new form of therapy works with the client in a natural setting, delivering treatment via workshops, or one-to-one sessions, all of which are conducted outdoors, utilising Nature itself as part of the healing process. This is a relatively new area in therapeutic terms, so in many ways, Nigel will actually be contributing to the field as he explores it. This could be daunting for some, but as he often says to his clients, “it’s beneficial to keep changing, evolving and moving forward. It’s great looking back today at how far I have come, but it’s equally fantastic to be looking ahead and embracing the challenges of tomorrow.”

Media Contact
Company Name: Inner Changes Psychotherapy and Counselling
Contact Person: Nigel Magowan
Email:Send Email
Phone: 0161 881 4333
City: Manchester
State: England
Country: United Kingdom


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