Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Press-Release-Distributors.com Launches A Discount Promo For The First Time

"Press Releases Go Viral & Traffic Soars"
Steve Stanley, known as The Press Release Guru, has launched a Discount Promo in celebration of the website's success.

FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, October 8, 2013, Steve Stanley, aka The Press Release Guru, is happy to announce the launching of his first ever Discount Promo. In celebration of his website’s success, he is offering his Press Release Premo Package at a 20% discount. Anyone interested just has to drop him an email requesting the discount, or use the contact form on Press-Release-Distributors.com. Many online marketers have taken advantage of Steve’s services, and are elated with the results.

Press-Release-Distributors has been at the forefront of Press Release Marketing with their comprehensive distribution package. During a recent press conference, Steve had this to say: "There is no other Submission Service like mine. Who else Guarantees Submission AND Insertion on 500+ News Websites, including National, Regional, Local, Radio and TV, Trade and Industry, and International news websites."

He goes on to say: "Included is Social Media Distribution at No Extra Fee, as it is part of the Service. The Press Release is shared with the 15 most popular social media channels: Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon,  Delicious, Tumblr, and more. Your Press Release will be Tweeted on 150+ news-related Twitter Accounts with a combined base of 35,000+ Twitter Followers, and shared on 150+ Facebook pages with a combined "Like" Base of 50,000 Facebook users." Steve also reports that he includes full Blog coverage, with Guaranteed Inclusion on 100+ Online News Blogs. Also, they are now authorized to submit direct to Google, Bing & Yahoo News.

To top it all off, the client’s website appears at the bottom of the published Press Release real-time. For an immediate increase in web traffic, Press Releases are hard to beat. Steve usually is able to have a PR published within hours of submission, after that, it goes viral. Important to keep in mind that Press Release Marketing is like any other form of marketing in that consistency will yield the best results. Running any advertisement for one-time is not a strategy.

For complete information, visit: Press Release Marketing Made Easy

Distributed by Press Release Distributors

Media Contact
Company Name:Press-Release-Distributors.com
Contact Person: The Press Release Guru
Phone: 954.762-7463
City: Fort Lauderdale
State: FL
Country: United States
Website: www.press-release-distributors.com


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