Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Timeless love story ‘The Wildflower’ inspires viewers to re-evaluate life


October 9, 2013 - A teenage love story filled with pain, beauty and a promise that some things are worth waiting for.


The romantic drama narrates the story of Joseph Jensen, a young American man who falls into a downward spiral when learning about the death of his first love. As an adult, Joseph sees his last chance to fulfill a promise made long ago. He leaves a prominent job behind in order to travel back to Norway in hopes of finding closure. In the mountain town of Kongsberg he discovers a truth that will change his life forever.


“I think The Wildflower can inspire others to re-evaluate their lives,” Writer & Director Oivind Naess said. “In a world where people grow more distant every day, we have to remember that we all deal with the same issues in life. This movie will provide a fresh perspective on the human condition and help bring people closer.”


The Wildlfower is based on an original story penned by Naess and wife Terese Torgersen touching on the universal struggles of growing up, believing in yourself and finding your first love.


“I want to give Norway an even bigger voice internationally,” Naess said on why he decided to shoot in his hometown and have the film’s language be predominately English.


Naess has made movies since the age of 13, focusing on stories about young people in search of their own identity and acceptance. His short film First Day has been sold to UR – The Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company.


Both screenwriters can personally relate to the story having both adapted to a new culture when they relocated from Norway to the U.S.


“This movie is for people who had a hard time growing up and didn’t always feel like they belonged,” Torgersen said. “People who have dealt with loss, fear and insecurities and want to help others pull through will enjoy The Wildflower.”


Producer Andres Mendez praises Torgersen and Naess effort to pen a true and heartfelt story that people of all ages can relate to.


“The idea of a romantic story that touches on real issues and breaks from the usual portrayal of teenagers in Hollywood films caught my attention,” Mendez said. “The film isn’t just a teenage love story, it’s a story about what its like to go through that challenging time in life – in a completely new environment no less. I could see a lot of myself in the main character and wanted to have a dynamic role as a creative producer.”


The team recently launched their Indiegogo campaign to raise the funds needed to bring The Wildflower to the big screen.



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Company Name: Ascope Pictures
Contact Person: Andres Mendez
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